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Animal Control NYC Critter Guards For Solar Panels in Union, NJ

Animal Control NYC Critter Guards For Solar Panels in Union, NJ2021-06-28T21:33:53+00:00

Animal Control NYC Critter Guards For Solar Panels in Union, NJ

Roof damage can be an expensive fix. If you have animals nesting under your solar panels, they can begin to damage your solar panel and roof over time. Fix the problem now with the help of Animal Control NYC

Solar panels are constructed of several delicate components, including the panels themselves, the wiring, and inverters that carry power to the home’s or building’s electrical grid. squirrels, raccoons, sparrows, rats, pigeons and other wildlife pests in Union, NJ can easily cause damage to any component of the solar panel, and that is why it’s best to have your solar panels checked on a scheduled basis. Animal Control NYC provides solar panel services to all residential and commercials homes in Union, NJ. We can help you removed unwanted wildlife and prevent with solar panel critter guards. Contact us 646-741-4333 today for an estimate on our solar panel services.

Mice can poses a danger to your solar panels. They breed quickly and nesting on your roof can provide them easy access to the inside of your home through small openings, potentially leading to a whole-house infestation. Mice also pose a fire danger, if they begin to gnaw and chew on the wiring of the solar panel.

Animals that chew or bump against wiring and electrical components can cause wires to become disconnected, weakened, or severed. This reduces the efficiency of the system and might require wire or panel replacement. This begins to become costly overtime. The wildlife can completely deactivate solar panels by destroying the wiring system that connects the panels to the power system. Inspect your solar panels today with Animal Control NYC solar panel services in Union, NJ.

SolaTrim is an Aluminum panel that uses innovative design to protect rodents such as squirrels, rats, raccoons, or other wildlife rodents from getting under your solar panels. SolaTrim is rust and corrosion-resistant. SolaTrim is a sleeker-looking critter guard and it can provide a more aesthetically pleasant look for your house.

Animal Control NYC can help you get rid of wildlife from your solar panels on properties such as businesses, garages, private housing, parking lots, warehouses, cafes, and other types of properties. Our services are available for residential and commercial properties in Union, NJ. We can help your prevent birds on your solar panels with our professional grade stainless steel spikes or small critters such as mice with solar panel critter guards.

Animal Control NYC offers solar panels proofing for birds, squirrels, raccoons, and other wild animals that can nest under your solar panels. Our solar panel proofing services are available in Union, NJ for residential solar panels and commercial rooftop solar panels. If you are interested in installing SolaTrim, solar panel critter guards or bird spikes, call us 646-741-4333 today. Installing solar panel critter guards today can help prevent further damage overtime. Installation is quick and affordable. This product only needs to be installed once and you’re protected.

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